I’ve said it before – I don’t need a reason to get on my bike and explore the trails. Just the feeling of gliding through the valley and powering up hills is enough to entice me to get out of bed in the morning (okay… not all the time. I have a comfy bed!).

But when I think about the Great Cycle Challenge and what it’s supporting, it hits close to home for me. Family and family friends alike of all ages have been affected by cancer, let alone millions more – and that’s just children!

But what IS the Great Cycle Challenge?

The Great Cycle Challenge is an opportunity for cyclists like me to raise money to support the fight against childhood cancer – to develop lifesaving treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?!

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by a cause like this, thinking things like “I couldn’t make a difference” or “the problem is just too great.” After all, 38 kids die from cancer each week in the USA! It’s heartbreaking, but the Great Cycle Challenge has given me and countless other riders a way to support the research of the Children’s Cancer Research Fund.

My goal this month is to ride 150 miles and raise $500. This goal and the kids I’m riding for keeps me going, and inspired me to sign up for two (at least!) cycling events in June.

LA River Ride

The first is my longest ride yet, and my first endurance event: the LA River Ride. I rode 36 miles throughout downtown LA on June 3rd (World Bicycle Day!), accompanied by a surprise guest… my mom! She used to ride ALL the time, and now that’s she’s getting into cross training as a runner, she’s adding a bike back into the mix. She’s a great riding partner and quite the motivation – she’s the reason I started cycling in the first place!

Ride the COLT

This year’s Ride the COLT event in Chatsworth, CA on June 10th is the 6th annual and my 3rd year taking part. COLT stands for Chatsworth Orange Line Tour, celebrating the bike path that opened alongside the Metro Orange Line that encircles the San Fernando Valley. It’s a great casual 19-mile ride around the valley with some optional, additional climbing miles. Oh, and it’s FREE!

I’ve been riding bikes my whole life, but I hadn’t considered myself a cyclist until I got my very first road bike in early 2017. That’s when I really got serious about it! My first GCC was last year as well, and it’s something I can see myself participating in for years to come.

Cycling is something that I absolutely love, and getting to use it as an opportunity to raise money for such an important cause is a wonderful bonus. Not to mention, being a cyclist in Los Angeles is a unique experience – alternative transportation in a city of cars is something I love supporting!

Want to come along on the ride with me? Any amount you’re able to donate is so appreciated and gets us that much closer to the goal! You can follow my rides and donate on my GCC page, and follow me on Strava to cheer me on. (Psst… I’ll follow back! Let’s support each other!) Whether you’re able to donate or share, I’m so glad you’re here.

As #GCCUSA likes to say, let’s kick cancer’s butt!