Sometimes I find within myself a desperation to surround myself with beautiful things.

But here’s the trick. I already am.

I’m willing to bet that you already are, too.

“I screwed it up, chasing after perfection, chasing after what was right in front of me.” – Kevin Flynn, TRON Legacy

Take a look around. Do you see the good in your space? In your life?

It’s not always easy to find, even though it’s right there.

Perhaps that’s why I travel. It’s not always because of the destination, but instead to change my surroundings and to rediscover the beauty in what I already have.

To explore new corners of the globe, to realize that this world is filled with more beauty, more perfection, than I could ever crave.

To travel far away is wonderful, and to come back home just as much so.

And you know what? Home doesn’t have to be a place. It can be a person, a state of mind, a state of being.

Perhaps that’s why I’m anxious to have another trip on my calendar. Yes, my wanderlust is strong, but I’m also afraid of my days going stale.

It doesn’t have to be a 10-day trip to London (though hey, those don’t hurt!). A quick weekend getaway to San Diego or San Francisco can do the trick, too.

But even that can take up too much time or money.

Sometimes, I don’t have a weekend to spare.

Sometimes, I get on my bike and ride until I feel the change of scenery calm me. I get too comfortable in my one place, and I fight to break free of it. Sometimes, that ride is just enough. I return refreshed, relaxed, and ready to take on the day.

YOUR TURN: How do you change up the scenery in your life?






Psst! Did you know this is my very first Blogtober? I’m posting a new piece every day this October. Check out the rest here!