LavaI am a geek and a nerd. I am passionate about things that might make you think so. I wear the badge proudly.

“Being a geek means never having to play it cool about how much you like something.” – Simon Pegg

I am lucky to be surrounded by people in my life that accept and love this about me. I have been friends with Mr. H. Potter since he resided in the cupboard under the stairs. I’d be down for a date with Nathan Drake. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 are not just numbers to me (By the way, I loved the ending. Sue me.). My passions are a part of me, and when I get married to my best friend, we have every intention of weaving geeky elements into our wedding.

This realization throws into sharp relief that not everyone feels so free to love whom they would choose. Only recently has it become legal for gay couples to marry throughout the U.S., and even still they face judgements of all shapes and sizes. But I say love is love, and you should be able to display that love however you’d prefer. You’ve decided to marry the love of your life, so make the day yours! Vintage chic? Go for it. Modern glam? Absolutely? Geeky as all hell? Oh yeah.

“Themed” weddings have always been a thing, but nowadays they are becoming more and more common. Sohrab and I are having a S.H.I.E.L.D. wedding, but I have seen everything from Harry Potter to LOTR to Star Wars inspiring the big day. Your wedding is an opportunity to announce and showcase your dedication to one another – and that includes the nuances of your relationship! Gone are the days of the “cookie cutter” wedding. Throw those expectations out the window. Make it your day. Follow tradition – or don’t. Make your own traditions. Come together and show the world who you really are as a couple.

So get out there and show the world who you (and your love) really are!

PS – Get that Lava print on society6 here!